Saturday, December 26, 2020

 The crazy hustle and bustle of Christmas is over, and I'm hoping to find time to write. Actually, to revise. I've sent out queries for my MG adventure/friendship novel, to no avail. As a renowned passive/aggressive I get the hint. It isn't making the grade. So after critique partners thoughts, and digging deep in myself, I know this story doesn't start in quite the right place. So on to the revision grind of combining the first two chapters, which mostly means, starting with chapter two, but keeping in the most important sentences from chapter one. 

I can do this. It will be better. It might be just what I need in my struggle to get this sweet, fun, adventurous story published. No matter how many books on the craft I study, or how many wonderful novels I read, it doesn't make the work easier. It somehow needs to click in my head, because it certainly doesn't come naturally. But if I don't keep at it, it never will. So today, dear friends, I've settled on my uncomfortable sofa, laptop on my lap, and the tree lights on, ready to tackle a really hard job.

Good luck to me. And good luck to all of you who have made through 2020, in tact or not, no matter what has happened, keep on trudging, keep on being kind, and sometimes when you think it can't get any worse, the sun comes out, you feel hopeful, and good things always happen. 

Hugs to you all!

Oh, and I'd love to hear your first chapter journeys if you would care to share!